
Apes in the classroom

Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was quickly dubbed “the ape-theory”.

It was not only the well-educated in Copenhagen who discussed Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. From the 1880s, Darwinism became common property and students began asking questions about the relationship between the theory of evolution and the Bible as well as the connection between man and apes. At times, this frustrated the teachers.

 “En lærinde”: “Henstilling”, Naturen og Mennesket, 15 December., 1880, p. 47.

 Kristensen, J.P. (”J.S.”): ”Materialismen og Bibelen”, Naturen og Mennesket, 31 March, 15 May, 30 June and 15 July, 1881, pp. 97-99, 125-128, 154-156 and 157-159.

 Bennike, Valdemar: ”Menneske og Abe”, Højskolebladet, 24 January, 1890, pp. 107-112.


Hans Henrik Hjermitslev