
The Galápagos Islands

The diversity of the Gálapagos Islands started a lot of ideas in Darwin's head - but he did not discover evolution here.

On its way through the Pacific Ocean from South America the HMS Beagle moored on the Galápagos Islands. These islands have become legendary in the tales about Darwin. In the 19th century, a myth arose that this was where Darwin discovered evolution. It was not, but the geology of the islands and the amazing variation of vegetation and wildlife fascinated him.

The animals were so unfamiliar with natural enemies that it was possible to get very close to them. Darwin was for instance surprised to be able to push a hawk from a branch with the handle of his rifle. He rode on the back of enormous turtles and threw sea iguanas into the waves, as well as collecting a number of species. Their variation made him wonder whether or not species were stable and fixed categories. He was not yet thinking about evolution, but his laborious collection and ever growing knowledge about the diversity of nature established his future breakthrough.

Peter C. Kjærgaard